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Bulletin of the Multinational Center for Quality of Life Research

Bulletin of the Multinational Center of Quality of Life Research

T. I. Ionova, V. I. Odin, T. P. Nikitina, K. A. Kurbatova, N. E. Shablovskaya

Quality of life and hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetes patients on basal-bolus insulin therapy

The article is focused to the results of the observational study «Quality of life, hypoglycemia symptoms and treatment satisfaction in patients with type 2 diabetes receiving basal-bolus insulin therapy» (2011–2012). 500 patients with type 2 diabetes were enrolled in the study. It was shown that quality of life (QoL) of patients with diabetes is worse in comparison with population norms.

These patients have a significant decrease of QoL parameters in the domains of physical, role physical, role emotional functioning and general health. More than 30% of patients have a severe or critical QoL impairment. The QoL level is lower in patients who reported hypoglycemia events, compared to those who had no hypoglycemia events and to population norms. The patients who had no hypoglycemia events and the patients who reported mild hypoglycemia events have a similar level of physical, psychological and social functioning.

The QoL of patients with severe hypoglycemia events is significantly decreased in terms of physical, psychological and social functioning (compared to the patients with mild hypoglycemia events). Thus, hypoglycemia events turn out to be a serious problem connected to basal-bolus insulin therapy: they lead to a negative impact on QoL and depress physical, emotional and social functioning.

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